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Gifted Education & Learning Differences

Preschool – Kindergarten – Elementary

Where kids learn, play, grow, and thrive!


At MCH, we have had the privilege of learning with many profoundly gifted, exceptional, and twice exceptional students. Our personalized learning, small class sizes, multi-age groups, and completely individualized learning pace make MCH ideal for gifted learners, and any student with learning
differences. Children all have individual strengths and weaknesses across all areas: academic, social/emotional, and behavioral. Our program is designed to work with these strengths and weaknesses, rather than try to group children into a level and expectations based on their grade alone.


We do not use high-stakes testing or restrictive cut-offs to try to separate gifted students from bright overachievers. Bright, hardworking students should be celebrated! All students who are working above grade level are supported, and given the opportunity to work on material that is appropriate for their individual development. Likewise, although we strongly encourage parents of students with learning differences to work with their pediatricians to obtain full diagnostic evaluations so that we can best serve our students, we work to support our students’ needs regardless of whether they have a formal diagnosis of a learning difference or not.

In addition to accelerating the curriculum for students working ahead of their grade level, we also offer differentiation to students who demonstrate a need to explore part of the curriculum in greater depth or at a very high level of challenge.
For more information or to discuss your child’s specific learning needs, please contact the Director.

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